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11 Ways to Get Your Products to Stand Out on Store Shelves

11 Ways to Get Your Products to Stand Out on Store Shelves


11 Ways to Get Your Products to Stand Out on Store Shelves

We've all been there: you're walking up and down the aisles of the grocery store, looking for the right package of snack mix for your family. On the shelf in front of you are dozens of choices, made by dozens of various companies. Yet, despite the wide variety of options before you from which you can choose, there is little difference between each one. So, how do you choose? Brand loyalty? The lowest calorie count? The most interesting combination on ingredients? Or, like most people, by the look of the package?

For better or worse, appearance means a lot, in all areas from personal relationships to sales and marketing. Research shows that people who take pride in their appearance are more likely to be hired, and that more attractive or interesting packaging is much more likely to fly off the shelves than its boring, bland counterpart. Whether you like it or hate it, there's no way to avoid the significance of appearance in our society.

Your product may be the best, but there's no real way to communicate that without putting a lot of effort into what you put on your packaging. With these 11 tips, you can make sure your product will fly off the shelves!

1. Keep your packaging professionally designed

When consumers are shopping for a product, they want to choose a product that has both an impressive form and an impressive function. Some companies believe that a quality product speaks for itself, but this is not entirely true.

No matter how great a product is, customers need a reason to motivate them to buy it in order to find its merits. Keep your packaging design professional, neat and clean to attract as many buyers as possible. While clip art and labels printed with the Comic Sans may be easy, if won't impress your potential customers. Even if you have a limited design budget, the creation of professional packaging can be done without a large amount of investment.

2. Make sure that your design is relevant

Packaging is a very unique asset to your product and it means a lot when it comes to your sales potential. Successful brand design is simple, straight forward and professional, but it must be designed with the specific product in mind.

The best package ideas in the world won't work if they don't fit your product. A charming label with an image appropriate for a high-end bottle of wine will do nothing on a bag of beef jerky, while a cartoon-style snack logo may prove highly ineffective on a bag of high-end coffee. When choosing a packaging design for your product, focus on making sure that your design is relevant to your product.

3. Target your market through your packaging

Is your product aimed at children? Young adults making grocery purchases on a budget? High-income adults? Whatever your market is, you need to make sure your packaging is aimed at the right people. No issue who you design your product for, it is important to recognize that what you are offering is one product among many on the shelf.

4. Choose your colors carefully

The psychology of color has been studied extensively for centuries, and all studies have come to the same conclusion: different colors have different effects on human emotions. When designing your packaging, the colors you choose can have a big impact on how your customers perceive what you have to offer.

When you design packaging for your product, think carefully about what message the colors you use will convey to your customers. Whether your food is bold and vibrant or reserved and refreshing, it's an important shade to choose that communicates this to your customers.

5. Re-examine the size of your packaging

When companies don't plan their packaging correctly, from size to style to sealing methods, losing shelf space is a natural occurrence.

The size of your packaging can have a significant impact on the success of your product. For example, if your product has a short shelf life and is perishable, large packaging can cost you more than you realize. Instead of wasting money on unnecessary large bags or packaging, consider reducing your selection for the convenience of your customers.

6. Tell the Consumer What They Will Get from Your Product

Have you ever bought something only to be greatly disappointed with what was inside? If so, you are not on your own. Millions of customers buy products in grocery stores every day that are not what they were expecting, which puts you in very good company indeed.
Some companies may hold promotions under false pretences, but unfortunately, customers typically only buy once and therefore refuse to buy any other products. False advertising may work once, but it is not a consistent way to drive income.

7. Tell your clients how to use your product

If you are like most people, you must have purchased a product and took it home only to find out that you don't know what to do with it.
A product without instructions is not completely worthless, but it is not superior to a product with instructions provided. If you are selling coffee, provide instructions for preparing the perfect coffee pot. A combination of snacks? Explain its ingredients and the best time to serve it. With a bit of guidance, consumers will be more likely to find a place with what you are offering.

8. Factor in the setting

In today's eco-centric world, many customers value products that are environmentally friendly. With the popularity of stores like Whole Foods and Trader Joe's that focus exclusively on green products and sustainable ingredients, these features may be critical to your customers.
Whether your products use naturally occurring ingredients or not, your packaging can be the change you need. Instead of traditional bags, consider switching to eco-friendly products in order to demonstrate to your environmentally conscious consumers that the earth is important to you, too.

9. Make your purpose clear

Your customers shouldn't be left confused about what they're buying. Whether you produce coffee, dog food or beef dried meat, there should be no question in your consumer's mind as to what your product is used for.
Some marketers believe that ambiguity will let in curious customers, but successful companies know that providing clear, concise information is the best way to build a brand and, more importantly, a customer base that values the product you sell. A company that has something great to offer doesn't need to rely on a mystery.

10. Tell your customers your story

Every business has something unique to share about how it came to be. Whether it's the story of how you came about your ingenious product or what you went through trying the launch your brand, every great product needs a story.
Prose is an amazing tool when you want to connect with consumers. If your customers can see what it is that makes you who you are, they are more likely to connect you and your products with a meaningful message. Give your customers a good reason to trust you, and they'll keep coming back for more.

11. Dare to be different

While there are standards in any industry, it's okay to think outside the box, whatever that means for you. From selecting standout colors to choosing a font that catches your customers' eyes, it's also a positive practice to create a name for yourself that is significantly different from competitors if you go in the right direction.
Breaking too many rules can hurt you, but when an unconventional strategy works for your product, there's no reason to remain in the box. Just like the iconic "Got Milk?" in a nutshell, every brand can occasionally break the mold and make a splash. When you stumble upon a great idea or a perfect way to set yourself apart from what your industry has to offer in the traditional sense, it may be the best thing you can do for your own products.

No matter the amount of experience you and your company have, making marketing choices is never easy. When you are attempting to sell a product, no matter what it is, your strategy may be the factor that makes or breaks you and is the deciding factor in making or breaking your offering.

Kolysen Packaging would love to suggests that the number of ways you can market your product is limitless, but with an approach tailored to you and your company, there is nothing standing in your way. By taking the best steps for your industry, you can ensure that your products always stand out on store racks.

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