The common points and differences of vacuum packaging bags, deoxygenated packaging bags and retort packaging bags
Vacuum packaging bag
It is to exhaust the air in the package as much as possible, reduce the volume of the packaged material, makes the packaged material close to the packaging bag and is not easy to move, avoids impact with the package, and can prevent the oxidation of the content, and the reproduction of a common bacteria and anaerobic bacteria, so that it is convenient to carry, not easy to break, and can also extend the shelf life of the contents.
Deoxygenated packaging bag
The deoxygenated packaging bag does not need to exhaust all the air in the package, but in the package put a deoxidizer to deplete the oxygen in the package, the growth of a bacteria prevents the oxidative deterioration of the packaged product, so as to extend the content, plastic flexible packaging with a shelf life.
Retort packaging bag
The plastic flexible packaging bag used for high-temperature steaming or boiling sterilization is a retort packaging bag. The air must be evacuated before packaging. Otherwise, it is difficult for the air in the packaging bag to conduct heat to the contents to kill the bacteria. In addition, the air inside the package will rupture the packaging bag due to thermal expansion.
The common points and differences of the three packaging bags:
The common point of vacuum packaging bags, deoxidizing packaging bags, and retorting packaging bags is that they must be made of plastic film with good gas barrier properties. The difference between them is that the vacuum packaging does not require heating and cooking, but the cooking packaging must be vacuumed first, vacuum packaging may not exhaust all the oxygen, although the deoxygenated packaging is not vacuumed, the oxygen in the packaging must be exhausted. Therefore, in the choice of packaging film, vacuum packaging and deoxidizing packaging only need to use films with good gas barrier properties and oxygen barrier properties.
Retorable packaging bags, in addition to good barrier properties (gas barrier, oxygen barrier) and high heat resistance (endurable to high-temperature cooking), the film also requires good water vapor permeability, and the printed ink and composite. The composite adhesive also requires good high-temperature resistance. "
Kolysen can supply the vacuum packaging bag, deoxygenated packaging bag and retort packaging bag as per your requirements, welcome to contact us.
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