Is Kolysen microwave popcorn bags bulk repurchase rate high?
The repurchase rate can be determined by product performance and product price. Kolysen microwave popcorn bags bulk plays an important role in the market due to its relevant reasonable price and better quality. Thus its repurchase rate is higher than that of the other similar products. And our company also hold sales promotion, which can also help us to improve the repurchase rate and appeal to new customers, so as to enlarge our consumer group.
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Kolysen is a reliable company known for flexible packaging. Kolysen Packaging Integration Co.,LTD. provides a wide range of flat bottom bag for customers. Kolysen flexible packaging follows the normative production conditions. It can be added with the tamper-resistant form to packaged goods if necessary. The product features a robust design. Its main frame is made of stainless steels and the base is supported by an aluminum plate. Made of anti-bacterial materials, it is hygienic.
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We are open to new ways of thinking and doing things, in order to create new possibilities for customers. We will always respond to unexpected challenges in a bold way to capture global strengths and achieve operational excellence.

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