How many people in Kolysen Packaging R&D department?
The total number of workers of the R&D department accounts for 20% in Kolysen Packaging Integration Co.,LTD.. R&D differs from the great majority of corporate actions since it isn't meant to yield instant profit and generally takes greater danger and an unclear return on investment. This is a type of advice to us. We've spent years creating new products or services, and enhancing existing products or services.

With a solid economic foundation and a large-scale factory, Kolysen stands out in the market. The flexible packaging series has many styles to meet the diversified needs of customers. The product is quite efficient. It has a couple of components that help it get started, consuming less energy when getting the system to work. This product has a remarkable effect on increasing brand awareness and good's selling points. Kolysen Packaging can provide one-stop purchase and solution service for our customers. It can be made of pure aluminum foil paper, laminated materials, or plastic film materials.

We have established a supervisory mechanism that is consist of members of our company to supervise and direct our behavior. This mechanism can guide our behavior to be environmental-friendly. Get quote!
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