
Effect of aluminum foil drug packaging the six factors of heat sealing strength, break down!

by:Kolysen     2021-02-02
Person's life will inevitably get sick, medicine is certainly cannot leave us, so that drug packaging must be perfect. Today we will talk about the aluminum foil drug packaging. For aluminum foil drug packaging bags, a lot of advantages and disadvantages of quality upper heat sealing strength on the product. As a result, several factors affecting the aluminum foil drug bag heat sealing strength, has become the key of improving the quality of the product packaging. Small make up to you: the effect of aluminum foil drug packaging the six factors of heat sealing strength. A: raw and auxiliary materials in the original aluminum foil is the carrier of the bonding layer, its quality of the product has great effect on heat sealing strength. On the one hand is the original aluminum foil surface oil, will weaken between adhesive and the original aluminum foil stick relay; On the other hand, the original aluminum foil surface of the metal composition and photometric enough all affect the strength of the heat sealing, must be strictly to good quality of the original aluminum foil. 2: adhesive glue is special material containing solvent, it under certain technological conditions, coating in the dark side of the original aluminum foil ( Or smooth) Bonded layer, after drying tunnel drying formation, the product of heat sealing strength plays a decisive role. 3: production process under certain process parameter control, make the binder in the original aluminum foil surface coated film, film will directly affect the quality of the products of heat sealing strength. One of the more important parameters include the speed of coating, drying tunnel section temperature, coating roll of grain shape, depth, line number and the location of the scraper, Angle. 4: heat sealing temperature heat sealing temperature is one of the important factors affecting heat sealing strength. Temperature is too low, can't make the bonding layer well with PVC film heat sealing, bonding layer and the adhesion between PVC film has been weak. If the temperature is too high, and can make the drug. Therefore, a reasonable heat sealing temperature is usually between 150 ℃ ~ 160 ℃. Five: heat sealing pressure to achieve the ideal heat sealing strength, heat sealing set pressure. If the pressure is insufficient, not only can't make the product of bonding layer and PVC film laminating heat sealing fully, and even make the bubbles in between, cannot achieve good heat sealing effect. So the heat sealing pressure of national standard of 0. 2×10Pa。 Six: heat sealing heat sealing time will influence the heat seal strength of the products. Usually, in the same heat sealing temperature and pressure, long period of heat sealing can make heat sealing parts sealing to be more perfect, better able to achieve the desired heat sealing strength. But modern high-speed pharmaceutical packaging machine process conditions may not provide a very long time, heat sealing, if heat sealing time is too short, the between bond coat and PVC film would have been insufficient heat sealing. To this end, the science of heat sealing time of national standard for 1 s.
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