
Cause of composite packaging film edge not glued down what are the reasons?

by:Kolysen     2021-02-02
Composite packaging film mainly consists of several different packing material compounded solvent-free glue, puncture resistance, high strength and high performance, to make clean packaging more solid, good waterproof effect, is widely used, in foreign trade export, paper, metal, plastic, chemical, building materials, food and pharmaceutical industries. Composite packaging film in production, will encounter some problems, such as edge glue rickety, this will affect the quality of the composite packaging film, so what are the cause of edge stick not? Small make up simple and share, hope to be of service: 1, the quality of the glue is bad; 2, glue the activation temperature is too high; 3, the temperature of the equipment can not reach the requirements of the workpiece edge activation temperature; 4, workpiece isn't plate; 5, glue has expired or inconsistent storage and requirements; 6, leakage spray adhesive or glue method is improper. Above is the cause of composite packaging film edge at six not glued down, I hope you live learning, to solve problems in production.
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