
Careful on the food packaging to use green food!

by:Kolysen     2021-01-17

green food logo consists of three parts, namely, at the top of the sun, at the bottom of the blade and the center of the bud, the symbol of the natural ecology; Color is green, a symbol of life, agriculture, environmental protection; Graphics for a round, for protection. Green food logo is made up of green food development center in the state administration for industry and commerce administration of green food logo trademark office officially registered to prove the quality of the logo. AA grade green food logo and font for the green, the color is white, A grade green food logo and the font is white, the base of color is green. The entire graphics painted a harmonious life, bright the sunshine tell people of green food is from pure and good ecological environment *, pollution-free food, can bring people vigorous vitality. Green food mark as a product quality certification marks, the right to the exclusive use of a trademark shall be protected by the trademark law of the People's Republic of China. Logo to use food is certified by specialized agencies, licensing companies use in accordance with the law. Green food logo also reminds people to protect the environment and prevent pollution, by improving the relationship between human and environment, and create new harmonious nature. It registered in nine categories of food is given priority to with food, and expand to green food related products such as fertilizer. Without national related department certification, inspection of food may not use the marks.

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