Any export certifications on personalised food packaging ?
Kolysen has several credentials on personalised food packaging . With the growth of the world wide web, we've started to compete on a worldwide scale. Exporting products largely results in raising our gains. And our merchandise has gained a fantastic reputation worldwide.
Kolysen Packaging Integration Co.,LTD. is an excellent 3 side seal pouch supplier in China and has undertook many personalised food packaging production tasks for years. As one of Kolysen Packaging's multiple product series, aluminum paper series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. The glaze workmanship of Kolysen food packaging bags includes overglaze decoration, in glaze decoration, and under-glaze decoration. Especially the under-glaze decoration, which directly determines the pattern quality, is processed by experienced workers. The product has a smooth surface for printing. The product is of the quality that meets with the regulatory requirements at home and abroad. Made of FDA approved materials, it is safe for human use.
In our corporate culture, we believe everyone is an innovator. We value every creative idea and strive to create various platforms and tools for employees to develop and learn. We believe this will ultimately bring practical benefits to clients.
Kolysen Packaging Integration Co.,LTD. is an excellent 3 side seal pouch supplier in China and has undertook many personalised food packaging production tasks for years. As one of Kolysen Packaging's multiple product series, aluminum paper series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. The glaze workmanship of Kolysen food packaging bags includes overglaze decoration, in glaze decoration, and under-glaze decoration. Especially the under-glaze decoration, which directly determines the pattern quality, is processed by experienced workers. The product has a smooth surface for printing. The product is of the quality that meets with the regulatory requirements at home and abroad. Made of FDA approved materials, it is safe for human use.
In our corporate culture, we believe everyone is an innovator. We value every creative idea and strive to create various platforms and tools for employees to develop and learn. We believe this will ultimately bring practical benefits to clients.
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