
Aluminum foil bag low carbon raw materials gradually become the main melody

by:Kolysen     2020-07-07
Compound aluminum foil bag of increasingly become the first choice for food packaging, for the sake of the safety of the food compound aluminum foil bag, choose low carbon compound aluminum foil bag of raw materials is increasingly becoming the main melody. 【 Aluminum foil bags 】 As is known to all, the compound aluminum foil bag belongs to polymer materials, in order to improve the processing performance of compound aluminum foil bag of raw materials and the use of performance, in the process of the production need to add some additives ( Such as stabilizer, lubricant, colouring agent, antistatic agent, plasticizers and other processing AIDS) 。 The above material under certain conditions, from the compound aluminum foil bag of the food raw materials to the contact in the migration and contaminated food. As low carbon environmental protection concept becomes the main melody of the society, many areas in the practice of the low carbon environmental protection, the compound aluminum foil bag of raw materials. Many of the compound aluminum foil bag of raw materials on the environment pollution is out of our lives, the green compound aluminum foil bag of raw materials has become the development trend of the packaging industry and the future. Now green compound aluminum foil bag there are many kinds of raw materials, generally can be divided into repeat reuse and regeneration of compound aluminum foil bag of raw materials, edible composite aluminum foil bags of raw materials, biodegradable composite aluminum foil bags of raw materials, etc. Regeneration of packaging materials mainly refers to the compound aluminum foil bag of raw materials, the compound aluminum foil bag after disposal by physical methods, raw materials can be made into recycled packaging container. Method after treatment with chemical method, can be made into recycled packaging products. But the faults of the two methods is that the only reduced the pollution to the environment, to the final processing, but also faced with the problem of environmental pollution. It is reported that plastic wrap has been successfully developed, are into the packaging market, believe that the green compound aluminum foil bag of raw materials will have greater use of space and development prospects. Biodegradable green compound aluminum foil bag material is biodegradable plastic packaging. This kind of compound aluminum foil bag raw material, after fulfilling the mission to degradation and reduction in nature, there is no pollution to the environment.
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