
A stamp seal bag for 45 years men sent to 85 - year - old benefactors

by:Kolysen     2020-07-05
Reaching benefactor a preserved the 45 years of stamp on November 2, at noon, the wild goose in ziyang city jiang district linjiang town village a farm small courtyard, kunlun Li Yusheng gray-haired man, will be a oxidation yellowing 8 cent stamp, in the 85 - year - old de-an li's hands. “ This is the last one, you are to keep more meaningful. ” Li Yusheng orbital, the stamp he kept in a sealed bag for 45 years. 记忆营业成员感动成都知识青1969年初,刚满17岁的李渝生,航班以知青身份独自一人从成都插队落户资阳县( 现任已设市) 金台6生产队公社两个大队。 On the west street of the grocery company departments is Li Yusheng path, de-an li is the salesroom agent on the great west street grocery co. , LTD. “ Nickelodeon eldest brother said don't let me run, Lou goods to inform me. ” Li Yusheng back to production team waiting, as long as the goods arrived, de-an li help picking out good quality first, and then led by production team inform him. “ I have always worn by students and also was a little doll and he knew I came from. ” Li Yusheng said, de-an li very attention to him, each time passing de-an li salesroom, he would go in with de-an li talk for a while. 礼物40张邮票证情谊1970年底,看到李不到云南当兵渝生决定。 Before he left, he had to go to the west street and de-an li said goodbye. “ You are not busy, wait for me! ! ! ! ! ! ! ” Now 63 - year - old Li Yusheng still remember the scene, de-an li from salesroom rushed into the streets, with 40 stamps soon return, into his hands, & other; Call I go to the army, to write often. ” 40张邮票,方孔钱一张8分钟,日本内阁总理都要3块多,方孔钱& ldquo; At the time this is not a small sum of money. ” Each of this scene, Li Yusheng eyes are wet. College in 1978, Li Yusheng returned to chengdu, no de-an li reply. Two people lost contact, the stamps are only the last one, he is. 几十年过去,李渝生一直想当面给李德安说声谢谢,& ldquo; 释义街回收,驻日杂门据说拆迁! ” He has been inquired about the whereabouts of de-an li, but no progress. 珍收藏最后一张邮票送给恩人& ldquo; 我送奖金邮票回收剩一张,特别珍贵,我和老这是大哥感情看证! ” Li Yusheng said, & other; 功能将这张邮票返还老大哥,谦让其他来珍收藏,更有意义! ” In October, Li Yusheng direct telephone contact the public security bureau of chengdu thesis branch. On October 29, with the help of the police, and ultimately from the entire province 875 & other; De-an li & throughout; 210 people over the age of 70. 李渝生对照片通过一辨认,确定房子住资阳市雁江区临镇昆仑村& ldquo; De-an li & throughout; , which he had to find a benefactor. November 2, when two people meet each other in de-an li old man home, Li Yusheng around de-an li old man. “ You are old. ” The old man say that finish this sentence, two eyes are red. Li Yusheng seal bag stamps to the old man's hand, the old man stared at for a long time after, put stamps in the portable pocket. 临别时,李渝生和老人约定:& ldquo; Often come to see you, have what difficulty later said to me. ”
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