Roasting coffee releases carbon dioxide
We release carbon dioxide during the roasting process. However, much of it remains in the coffee beans after roasting. The beans slowly remove the remaining gas. The release process is usually about two weeks. If we don't have a valve in our bag to allow this process to happen, the beans will still release carbon dioxide and our bag will expand with the gas.
The air inside can harm the coffee.
The valves on our bags are a way to keep air out of the roasted coffee. Both oxygen and moisture in the air can damage the coffee. It can also shorten the shelf life and reduce its quality. It is vital to release carbon dioxide without letting air in.
Releasing carbon dioxide also releases a lot of the coffee's aroma. This is why squeezing the air out of the coffee bag releases a nice smell. When buying roasted coffee, try to squeeze a sealed bag of fresh coffee. Observe if you can distinguish the smell of coffee in the released gas. When you do this, you are also releasing carbon dioxide. It also releases the aromatics that make coffee so delicious. Don't worry; releasing air is suitable for the quality of the coffee.
Oxidation of roasted coffee
Oxidation is a chemical reaction in which a material loses electrons. It occurs when a material is combined with oxygen. While oxygen allows us to breathe and survive, it is also a corrosive factor. Think of an apple that has been cut open and then starts to turn yellow. This is the result of the oxidation that occurs.
What does oxidation mean for roasted coffee? It is the main factor that causes coffee to age and has a shorter shelf life. It can show the difference in the shelf life of quality roasted coffee. Ten days or four months is the difference. Ground coffee is more likely to accept this than whole coffee beans.
Work-in-process (WIP) inventory
We can package roasted coffee when using a venting valve. This may be true if you use the bin degassing method instead of using a one-way degassing valve for gas flushing and packaging. If you pack immediately without the main valve assembly, it can have a negative impact. It can lead to the risk of aeration and bag leakage. As mentioned earlier, carbon dioxide is released as soon as the coffee is roasted. Carbon dioxide is released immediately with the ground coffee. Over the next 40 minutes, it releases additional gas. The delay in packaging the coffee means that the product cannot be marketed. Therefore, it is kept in the WIP inventory.
A temperature of 10°C will double the degassing level. During this process, the fresh powder will absorb moisture from the air. It will increase the weight and reduce the efficiency of the extracted coffee material. The internal molecular pressure will make the coffee more complex. During the roasting process, the coffee beans produce carbon dioxide. As a result, it reduces its aroma.
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